Outcast Clan


The Outcast Clan was originally made up of Ridarri who joined Captain Ragnar toward the end of the fourth age. The Outcast Clan defends the Rogue Mountains, Aras’ western border, against invasion by Ba’rel’s Legion. Over time Eímai led other members of the races to join until they numbered over a million members. Legend says the Outcast Clan has special powers and are immortal like their leader. This is false. The Outcast Clan operate in the fullness of the gifts Eímai gave the races when He created them. These gifts have been forgotten, suppressed, or believed to have stopped operating in the races after the first or second ages (the opinion of the ceasing of gifts depends on who you ask). As to their immortality, they eat the fruit of Eímai’s trees, drink His water, and use the leaves of the trees for healing. Because Eímai’s power flows through them, they heal quickly and are able to survive wounds that would kill an Arasian who has not saturated themselves with Eímai’s power.


Race | All Races

Knightly Order | Outcast Clan

Crest | four broken claw slashes