Information on Planets and Moons Tales of Aras Series





Chalab and Debash are yellow suns similar to Sol in the solar system in which planet Earth orbits. Planets in this solar system orbit these two stars in a figure-eight pattern. It is currently unknown how this type of orbit sustains life on Parrésia. Chaleb rises in the Parrésian sky first and Debash rises when Chaleb is at its zenith.



The gas giant planet Khane has three moons: Achi, Chay, and Parrésia. When Khane reaches the space between the two suns, the orbit of the moons slows, making them take longer to orbit Khane.

The inhabitants of Parrésia know nothing about their celestial neighbors other than the seasons are marked by the position of Khane, Achi, and Chay in the sky. Parrésia has 32 hour days and their calendar is not divided into weeks and months, but by seasons. The following chart explains their calendar. Every 15 years Parrésia has an extended year. The Scholar’s Guild hypothesizes that the extended year has something do to with Khane’s relationship with the two suns.